W: 24" x 38" Hairbeads on coated wire 2018
Installation varies fatlace shoestrings and vintage shoes 2014
installation varies Hairbrushes installed directly to the wall 2016
Hair barrettes and adhessive on birch panel 36" x 48" x 3" 2015
installation varies Hairbrushes installed directly to the wall (Loku by Amiri Baraka) 2016
Hair barrettes and adhessive on birch panel 36" x 48" x 3" 2015 #PeggyCooperCafritzCollection
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installation varies Hairbrushes installed directly to the wall 2016
W: inches 312 x H: 60 inches (African American Museum of Philadelphia) Hairbrushes installed directly to the wall 2016
installation varies Hairbrushes installed directly to the wall 2016
W: 14" x H: 20" Waterless lithography and pressure print on paper 2018
Installation varies Tree branch, du-rags, wire, and plastic bag 2014
Installation varies 2015
60" x 60" Graphite on watercolor paper 2016